Montag, 11. Oktober 2010

Crystal Quest Water Cooler Sediment

Crystal Quest Water Cooler Sediment

  • Water Cooler Sediment Filter Cartridge
  • Removes sediment, silt, sand, and dirt.
  • Filter life-2 years

Water Cooler Sediment Filter Cartridge Removes sediment, silt, sand, and dirt. Filter life-2 years

Price: $ 29.99

Question by maria t: How do oxygen water coolers work?

How does an oxygen water cooler get the oxygen into the water? does it really work or is it just another gimmick?

Best answer:

Answer by ag_iitkgp
The oxygen is just a ‘working substance’ for the cooler.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Hydrotech 41400027 S-FS-37 Oasis Cooler Filter

  • Hydrotech 41400027 S-FS-37 Oasis Cooler Filter


Price: $ 32.95

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