- Water Cooler Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) Cartridge
- Removes volatile organic carbon compounds (VOC’s), insectible, pesticles and industrial solvents
- Filter life-2 years
Water Cooler Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) Cartridge Removes volatile organic carbon compounds (VOC’s), insectible, pesticles and industrial solvents Filter life-2 years
Price: $ 39.99
Question by patrickandamie: Question about water coolers?
I have a regular 5 gallon water cooler with the non-refillable bottles (they have to be exchanged) I noticed there are smaller water coolers designed for counter tops. Are there smaller water coolers like this, 1-2 gallons, that I can fill with another liquid, like kool-aid?
I like that idea of the container with the spout, and understand the sticky sugar situation, but they don’t make coolers specifically designed for this?
Best answer:
Answer by Averyescape
I wouldn’t put any other drinks through a small cooler like that because the sugar will make all the inside parts sticky. My best suggestion would be a larger bottle with a spout at the bottom (they advertise them in the spring as iced tea containers) to be kept in the fridge.
EDIT: I don’t think they make them for anything with water. There are problems associated with traces gunking up the inner-works that would make such an item, I would think, rather unmarketable. I think you can get the container I mentioned before for a couple dollars at Walmart or Target.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

- THIS IS FOR 1 AnyWater Pot PLUS 3 Replacement Filters ; Changes tap water into Alkaline Mineral Wat
- Activated Carbon: eliminates contaminants such as chlorine, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals
- Increases Water Alkalinity – up to 9.5 pH obtainable (dependant on source water)
- Bottle holds 600 ML (20 Ounces); 1300 Refills per filter (approximately 90 days
- Manufactures 90 Day Limited Warrarnty from Defects
The AnyWater Mini Bio Mineral Pot is a terrific portable solution for providing clean drinking water. On top of that, it increases the Alkalinity of your water through the use of all natural minerals. It is compact enough to use for travel, hiking,
List Price: $ 159.95
Price: $ 139.95